Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014


1. .... a bee colony gets, the more the queen's egglaying capability diminishers.
      A. It is more overcrowded.
      B. The more overcrowded.
      C. More overcrowded than.
      D. More than overcrowded.

2. The chairwoman requested that ....
      A. the participants studied more careful the problem.
      B. the participants study the problem more carefully.
      C. the participants studied  the problem with more careful.
      D. the problem be studied more carefully.

3. Unlike the earth, which rotates once every twenty-four hours ... once every ten hours.
      A. the rotation of Jupiter
      B. Jupiter rotates
      C. Jupiter rotation
      D. Jupiter rotate

4. Jackson,... capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.
      A. the
      B. it is the
      C. is the
      D. where the

5. The various types of bacteria are classified according to...shapes.
      A. whose
      B. how they are
      C. have
      D. their

Error Analysis

1. He ..bacon and eggs every morning.
A. is used to eat                             C. has been used to eating
B. hadused to eat                         D. use to eating

2. The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them.. every night this week.
A. Practice                                        C. practiced
B. to practice                                   D. the practice

3. You…. your seatstodau if you want to go to the game.
A. had better to reserve            C. had to better reserve
B. had better reserve                  D. had to reserve better

4. Your sister used to visit you quite often
A. didn’t she                                    C. wouldn’t she
B. doesn’t she                                                D. hadn’t she

5. Mr. Reagan was… the long chain of unfortunate events
A. the first to break                      C. firstly broken
B. the first breaking                     D. breaking the first

Kunci jawaban
1.      Jawaban C
Kata “used to “ digunakan untuk membandingkan waktu lampau dan waktu kini, dan seringkali menunjukkan makna kebiasaan atau pengulangan. (Zandvoort, 1980:84).

2.      Jawaban A
Kata “had” dalam kalimat tersebut berarti “menyuruh” dan membentuk struktur “causative”aktif, sehingga kata kerja dibelakangnya harus berbentuk infinitive tanpa “to”, yaitu “practice” (berlatih).

3.      Jawaban B
Salah satu ungkapan bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan “lebih baik” adalah “had better +V1”. Jadi , “had better reserve” (lebih baik memesan) merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut.

4.      Jawaban A
Kata bantu dalam “question tag” didasarkan pada kata kerja dalam kalimat yang terkait. Kata kerja dalam kalimat positif tersebut berupa V2 (past tense) “used to”, sehingga kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk melengkapi QT-nya yang tepat adalah “didn’t.  Apabila kata kerja nya kalimat positif adalah V1 plus “-s”, maka QT-nya “don’t”. Jika kata kerjanya V1 plus “-s”, QT-nya “doesn’t”. Apabila kata kerja kalimat berupa be (can, will, could, would), maka cukup menambahkan not setelahnya untuk membentuk QT.

5.      Jawaban A
Ungkapan “the first to break” dalam kalimat terebut berasal dari bentuk panjang “the first man who broke”. Frasa “man who broke” dengan kata kerja bentuk lampau ini dapat diganti dengan struktur “to +V1”, yaitu “to break”.

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014


Pengertian Enough

Enough adalah adverb of degree yang berarti “sampai batas yang dibutuhkan”. How much dapat digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menunjukkan kata keterangan ini.

Penggunaan Enough

Enough ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan).
adjective/adverb + enough

Contoh Kalimat Enough:

  • Am I qualified enough? (adjective)
  • He drives slowly enough. (adverb)
  • The juice is sweet enough. (adjective)
Infinitive dapat digunakan dibelakang kata ini baik untuk adjectivemaupun adverb.
adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive

Contoh Kalimat Enough to Infinitive:

  • Your dream is not difficult enough to be reached. (adjective)
  • I slept long enough to be fresh all day. (adverb)
  • She ran fast enough to catch the bus. (adverb)
For something/somebody dapat digunakan dibelakang adjective.
adjective + enough + for something/somebody

Contoh penggunaan Enough+for Something/Somebody:

  • The room is spacious enough for me. (adjective)
  • He was competent enough for the job. (adjective)
sumber :

my favorit figure

I really admire one of Manchester City football player is David Silva. he is a football player who has great expertise in football. in addition to the expertise that he possesses I also admire his handsome face, so sometimes I have a keen desire to be like him.

Rabu, 30 April 2014


Ingredients to make spaghetti  :

500 grams spaghetti ( available in supermarket or minimarket nearby anyway , its easy nyari )
250 grams of minced meat ( in the supermarket is also available)
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
500 grams of fresh tomatoes , blended + a little water
Flour 2 tablespoons cornstarch
100 grams of grated Cheddar cheese
2 cloves Onions , sliced ​​thinly
8 cloves garlic , finely chopped up
1 tablespoon powdered Oregano
cooking oil
olive oil
Beef sausage and other additives ( if required )

How to Make Your Own Spaghetti Sauce  for presentation :

Boil tomatoes in a blender with an extra glass of water , use a small fire to boil . Wait until boiling and then add the ground beef and oregano powder , stir gently until evenly until thick like gravy texture . If it is less viscous , add the dissolved cornstarch and water , pour on the sauce ingredients .
Enter the tomato sauce and sugar include salt to taste . Add grated cheese to taste alone ( leaving ) the sauce mixture . Taste the sauce results have you created earlier to be sure the results are steady , then lift the sauce .
How to Make Your Own Spaghetti With Delicious Taste and Healthy Chewy  :

First boil 1 liter of water mixed with 2 tablespoons oil , boiled spaghetti to boiling and enter , and stir until blended .
Once the spaghetti is ripe in flavor ( Try eating at 1 seed) , remove and drain . Adding 5 tablespoons of olive oil to make it more savory , stir again until well blended .

How to eat Spaghetti Alone With Flavor  :

Prepare a frying pan containing cooking oil for sauteing onions and garlic until soft and fragrant aroma out . Pour spaghetti sauce have you created earlier , another cook until fragrant .
Enter into the spaghetti sauce is still hot and heat over low heat while stirring slowly until the sauce and spaghetti completely blended. If you want to add sausage or other additives to taste . Once is enough lift was spaghetti and spaghetti Serve with a sprinkling of grated cheese . Alone With Flavor Spaghetti Mantab ready to eat .

Note :

The portion of the above recipe is for 8-10 people .
Always better to make their own spaghetti sauce instead of using ready-made sauce because more assured quality and cleanliness .
Good luck


          Gerunds adalah kara kerja (verb) yang ditambah ing (verb + ing) dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun). Dengan kata lain, gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan/diubah menjadi kata benda dengan menambahkaning.
Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, gerunds mempunyai peran sebagai:

1.                  Gerunds as subject
2.                  Gerunds as object
3.                  Gerunds as subjective complement
4.                  Gerunds as object of preposition
5.                  Gerunds after word “NO”
6.                  Gerunds after possessive adjective
7.                  Gerunds after certain verbs
8.                  Gerunds as appositive

Gerunds as subject

Berikut ini contoh-contoh gerunds yang berfungsi sebagai subject:

Reading is not my hobby.
Swimming is better than running.
Hiking can be very strenuous.

Gerunds as object

I like reading.
She goes swimming every morning.
Their favorite sport is running.

Gerunds as Subjective Complement

Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului tobe  yang terletak di antara subjectdan subjective complement, contoh:

Her favorite sport is swimming.

Gerunds as object of preposition

Gerund sebagai objek dari preposisi terletak setelah preposisi, misalnya; for, before, without, in, at, after, dll.

I will wash the dishes after eating.
You cannot be rich man without working.

Gerunds after “NO”

Dalam kalimat larangan, kita sering memakai kata “No” dan setelahnya biasanya diletakkan verb + ing yaitu gerunds. Contoh:

No Smoking!
No parking in this area!

Gerunds after possessive adjective

Gerunds juga sering kita jumpai setelah possessive adjective. Misalnya:

Thanks for your coming.

Gerunds after certain verbs

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa kata kerja tertentu yang bila kita ingin memasukan kata kerja sesudah kata kerja tersebut, maka kata kerja setelahnya harusnya berbentuk gerund atau verb + ing.
Berikut ini daftar kata kerja-kata kerja tersebut beserta contoh kalimatnya:

Admit               :  He admitted cheating on the test.
Advise              :  The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk.
Allow               :  Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars.
Anticipate         :  I anticipated arriving late.
Appreciate       :  I appreciated her helping me.
Avoid               :  He avoided talking to her.
Begin                :  I began learning Chinese.
can't bear         :  He can't bear having so much responsibility.
can't help          :  He can't help talking so loudly.
can't see           :  I can't see paying so much money for a car.
can't stand        : He can't stand her smoking in the office.
Cease               : The government ceased providing free healthcare.
Complete         :  He completed renovating the house.
Consider          ; She considered moving to New York.
Continue           : He continued talking.
Defend             : The lawyer defended her making such statements.
Delay               : He delayed doing his taxes.
Deny                : He denied committing the crime.
Despise            : She despises waking up early.
Discuss             : We discussed working at the company.
Dislike              : She dislikes working after 5 PM.
Mind                : I don't mind helping you.
Dread               : She dreads getting up at 5 AM.
Encourage        : He encourages eating healthy foods.
Enjoy               : We enjoy hiking.
Finish               : He finished doing his homework.
forget               : I forgot giving you my book.
hate                  : I hate cleaning the bathroom.
Imagine            : He imagines working there one day.
Involve             : The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.
Keep                : She kept interrupting me.
 Like                : She likes listening to music.
Love                : I love swimming.
Mention            : He mentioned going to that college.
Miss                 : She misses living near the beach.
neglect              : Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.
permit               : California does not permit smoking in restaurants.
Postpone          : He postponed returning to Paris.
Practice            : She practiced singing the song.
Prefer               : He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater.
propose            : I proposed having lunch at the beach.
 quit                  : She quit worrying about the problem.
Recall               : Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
Recollect          : She recollected living in Kenya.
Recommend     : Tony recommended taking the train.
regret               : She regretted saying that.
Remember        : I remember telling her the address yesterday.
Report              : He reported her stealing the money.
require              : The certificate requires completing two courses.
Resent              : Nick resented Debbie's being there.
Resist               : He resisted asking for help.
Risk                 : He risked being caught.
Start                 : He started studying harder.
Stop                 :  She stopped working at 5 o'clock.
Suggest            : They suggested staying at the hotel.
Tolerate            : I tolerated her talking.
Try                   : Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
Understand       : I understand his quitting.
Urge                 :They urge recycling bottles and paper

Daftar kata kerja di atas beserta contohnya saya ambil dari: English Page

Gerunds as appositive

Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat, contoh:

·  His method, shooting and killing, eventually came to an end.
·  She has a bad habit, gambling.
·  Her favorite exercise, swimming in the pool, makes her body strong.
·  That difficult work, sawing hard woo, makes him exhausted

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014


7. John decide to buy in the morning a new car, but in the afternoon he changed his mind.
                      A                      B                                    C                          D

Answer : B
Because, if you wanna add time ( indikator waktu ) you have to put it in the first or last sentence